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怎样推延绝经期到60岁 2010年NHMRC绝经期妇女和晚年男性骨质疏松症防治临床攻略

来源:网络 2020年05月24日 03:49   作者:fashion 怎样推迟绝经期到60岁 services range

Chronic diseases have a major impact on Australian society, accounting for about two-thirds of health care expenditure (more than $35 billion) in 2000 and 2001.1 An increasing proportion of the population has risk factors for, or at least one, chronic disease, leading to increasing public health costs. Health service policy and delivery must address not only acute conditions, but also effectively respond to the wide range of health and public services required by people with chronic illness.Strong primary health care policy is an important foundation for a successful national health delivery system and long term management of public health. It is also linked to practical outcomes including lower mortality, decreased hospitalisation and improved health outcomes.1 National strategic health policy has recently given increased recognition to the importance of chronic disease management, with Federal Government endorsement of a number of initiatives for the prevention or delay in onset, early detection, and evidence based management of chronic diseases, including osteoporosis (OP).

Osteoporosis exerts a significant burden on both individuals and the community. In terms of cost, it was estimated in 2001 that the combined direct and indirect cost of OP in Australia was approximately $7 billion annually. For further details refer to the Evidence to support the National Plan for Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Opportunities to improve health-related quality of life and reduce the burden of disease and disability.

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