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骨盆骨折分型 骨盆骨折分类及医治攻略(三)

来源:[db:出处] 2021年08月12日 07:52   作者:fashion 骨盆骨折分型 骨盆 耻骨

8. Fracture classi?cation

8. 骨折分类

Delineating the exact nature of the fracture is useful both for the orthopaedic surgeon and also in raising suspicion for associated injuries. Many studies have attempted to predict the risk of haemorrhage according to fracture pattern [4,20]. However, whilst unstable pelvic fractures are more frequently associated with haemorrhage, fracture pattern cannot be used to absolutely predict haemorrhage [10].


9. Pelvic ring fractures

9. 骨盆环骨折

The pelvis is considered to be a ring structure comprised of three bones, the sacrum and two innominate bones. The posterior ring includes the sacrum, SI joints and iliac bones, whilst the anterior ring is comprised of the pubic bones and symphysis. The SI joints can be divided into anterior and posterior and are held together by the anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments. The posterior sacroiliac ligaments are the strongest in the body and are most important in maintaining pelvic stability. The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments provide additional support posteriorly.Conversely, the pubic symphysis anteriorly is weaker and more easily ruptured.


Two accepted classi?cation systems exist, the Young–Burgess and Tile systems [21,22]. The Young–Burgess system classi?es injuries according to the mechanism and severity. The Tile system arranges fractures into three main groups, stable, partially unstable and completely unstable. For the purposes of this review, the Young–Burgess system will be considered. There are three main patterns of injury:

AP compression;

Lateral compression;

Vertical shear.





10. AP compression

10. 前后揉捏型

AP compression fractures cause external rotation of one or both hemipelves, causing the iliac wings to move outwards. These injuries are characterised by pubic diastasis, either at the symphysis or through sagittal ramal fractures. Associated injuries may include sacroiliac joint diastasis and, less commonly, sacral fractures. AP compression injuries cause an increased pelvic volume with any resulting haemorrhage unlikely to tamponade spontaneously. Pelvic wrapping should therefore be a priority in early management.


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