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急诊科怎么样才干去 阅历这 4 年,才干成为美国急诊科医师

来源:网络 2019年02月01日 10:54   作者:fashion 急诊科怎么样才能去 医生 医师




来听 Dr.Hou 聊聊……《美国急诊科医师练习准则》


美国医师:侯全益医师,哈佛医学院急诊科讲师, 布列根和妇女医院急诊科医师,外科 ICU 重症监护专家。
U.S. doctor: Dr. Peter Hou is an Instructor in Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School, an Emergency Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and a critical care specialist in the Surgical ICU.

Chinese doctor: Dr. Rui Song, former resident physician of internal medicine in China and Singapore,  freelancer  and she is doing clinical research on Autism in Boston.

Dr. 宋:几年前我在北京大学隶属的一家三级甲等医院轮转时,传闻咱们医院的急诊医学住院医师练习的时刻大概是 36 个月。住院医师在急诊科的不同亚专科轮转 18 个月,并会在剩余的时刻中轮转其他专业,如麻醉科、外科、内科、妇产科、儿科等。那么美国的急诊医学住院医师练习是怎样的呢?

When I was rotating in my hospital in Beijing, a Grade A Tier 3 hospital affiliated with Peking University several years ago, I heard that the length of emergency medicine (EM) residency training was about 36 months. The resident would rotate in different areas of the ED for 18 months and would spend the rest of the time rotating in other specialties such as anesthesiology, surgery, internal medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, etc. How about that in the US?

Dr. 侯:美国现在有 237 个急诊医学住院医师练习项目,其间 160 个为 3 年期,77 个为 4 年期。咱们的布列根和妇女医院(BWH)/麻省总院(MGH)哈佛隶属急诊医学住院医师练习(HAEMR)项目是 4 年。

There are currently 237 EM residency programs with 160 that are 3-years and 77 that are 4-years.  As for our combined Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)/Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency (HAEMR) program, it is 4 years.

Dr. 宋:您能和我讲讲每一年的练习方案是怎样的吗?

Can you tell me more about each year’s schedule?

Dr. 侯:第一年的培育方针是为实习医师(注:第一年住院医师总称实习医师)供给基本技术和常识的练习。实习医师在 BWH 和 MGH 的急诊室轮转 5 个月,在波士顿儿童医院(BCH)儿科急诊轮转 1 个月,儿科重症监护病房(ICU)轮转 1 个月,MGH 内科 ICU 轮转 1 个月。此外,他们在实习医师练习营、内科、妇产科、麻醉科和超声科(US)轮转。

The goals of the first year are to provide interns with underlying skills and a fund of knowledge.  Interns rotate in the EDs at BWH and MGH for 5 months, in Pediatric ED at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) for 1 month, and Pediatric ICU for 1 month, and Medical ICU at MGH for 1 month. Additionally, they have rotations in intern boot camp, internal medicine, OB/GYN, anesthesia, and ultrasound (US).

在第二年,住院医师的培育重点是把握患者的个体化医治,并在 BWH 和 MGH 急诊轮转 5 个半月,在 BCH 和 MGH 的儿科急诊各轮转 1 个月,并在 BWH 和 MGH 的外科 ICU 上各轮转 1 个月。其他轮转科室包含心脏加强病房(注:加强病房介于重症监护病房和一般病房之间)、整形外科、毒理学、眼科、耳鼻喉科、急救医疗效劳(EMS)和自选科室。

In the 2nd year, residents focus on mastering individual patient care and rotate at BWH and MGH EDs for 5 1/2 months, in pediatric ED at BCH and MGH, in Surgical ICUs at BWH and MGH, each for 1 month. Other rotations include Cardiac step-down unit, Orthopedics, Toxicology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Elective block.

第三年的首要方针是把握办理多个患者所必要的技术,并在 BWH 和 MGH 的 8 个急诊轮转单元中担任监督(低年资住院医师)人物,并为实习医师和医学生供给教育。其他轮转包含社区医院轮转,BCH 的急诊科 和 2 个自选科室单元。

The primary goals of the 3rd year are to acquire the skills necessary to manage multiple patients and to assume a supervisory role in the 8 ED rotations at BWH and MGH and to teach junior house-staff and medical students. Other rotations include a community hospital ED rotation, ED at BCH, and 2 Elective blocks.

在第四年,高年资住院医师担任监督性质的急诊科医师(EP),在急诊科主治医师指导下指挥首要的抢救、患者医治,以及急诊科患者流量和流向,为期 8 个月。其他轮转包含行政办理、眼科学、耳鼻喉科、毒理学、教育单元和 2 个自选科室单元。

In the 4th year, senior residents function as the supervisory emergency physician (EP) and directs major resuscitations, patient care, and ED flow under the guidance of the EM attendings for 8 months.  Other rotations include Administration, Opthalmology, Otolaryngology, Toxicology, Teaching block, and 2 Electives.


Last and most importantly, there is a vacation month in each of the four years.

Dr. 宋:谢谢。他们真的得到了不同专业的多种练习。

Thank you. They really receive a wide variety of training among different specialties.

Dr. 侯:是的,咱们这个练习项目为期四年的一个原因是让住院医师从第二年开端就在他们的自选科室轮转中探究其对亚专科的爱好。

Yes, one reason ours is a 4-year program is to allow the residents starting in their 2nd year to explore further interest during their Elective rotations.

Dr. 宋:的确,那么您能和咱们介绍一下自选科室轮转吗?

Exactly, could you tell us more about these Electives?

Dr. 侯:住院医师能够挑选使用这段时刻从各种专业中了解自己的爱好。例如,高年资住院医师在结业之前需求提交一个学术项目,所以很多人使用自选科室轮转的时刻来做这个项目。项目需求与研讨、教育、立异、质量和流程改善等有关,能够是国内的也能够是世界的。

Residents can choose to use this time to learn about their own interest from various specialties.  For example, senior residents are required to present an academic project before they graduate so many use this time to work on theirs.  Projects are related to research, education, innovation, quality- and process-improvement, both domestically and internationally.

Dr. 宋:我理解了,急诊医学还有进一步的进修吗?

I see, are there further advance training in emergency medicine?

Dr. 侯:是的,住院医师能够请求重症监护、儿科、毒理学、EMS、运动医学、痛苦医学、临终关怀和姑息医治医学,以及海底和高压医学这些美国急诊医学资历认证委员会的亚专科认证。此外,还有其他不需求亚专科认证的进修项目,如世界医学、全球健康、超声、研讨、模仿、中风、公共政策和行政办理。

Yes, residents can apply for fellowships with American Board subspecialty certification in Critical Care, Pediatrics, Toxicology, EMS, Sports Medicine, Pain Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine, and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine.  Additionally, there are other fellowships without subspecialty certification such as International Medicine、 Global Health、Ultrasound, Research、Simulation、Stroke、Public Policy、and Administration.

Dr. 宋:谢谢你的时刻和名贵见地。那么,下次咱们聊些什么呢?

Thank you for your time and insight. So, what should we talk about next time?


what will we talk about?



1.Emergency Medicine Residency Association (EMRA, 美国急诊医学住院医师协会网站)


2.American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM, 美国急诊医学资历认证委员会网站)

网址: = Temp&sfvrsn = 28)




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